Fontän | Nefertiti


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Datum: 26 mar
Pris: 200 kr
Insläpp: 20:00
På Scen: 21:00
Stänger: -
Åldersgräns: 20 år

Swedish band Fontän has been around for almost two decades. Creating music that spans between psychedelia and club music. Exploring combinations of genres like postrock, dub, disco, folk, krautrock and beats. Their progressive and uncompromising sound has resulted in tracks admired and enjoyed around the globe.

From Shanghai to Gagnef and beyond, It has not all been about radio plays and streams. Fontän also received praise for their performances. Invited and sharing stages with legends like Andrew Weatherall, Mogwai, Mulatu Astatke, Bo Hansson, At the gates, to just name a few.

Following their acclaimed 2009 debut album “Winterhwhila”, band members Johan Melin and Jesper Jarold needed a break from touring and performing. Instead, they accepted an invitation to Bhutan, a South Asian country hidden in the Himalayas, a country that admits very few, if any, outsiders. The duo was allowed to travel freely within the country to meet and record local artists and explore local instruments. All set against an amazing scenery and breathtaking travel routes. From remotely located monasteries on the Himalayan high peaks to the southern jungle huts on the border to India. A very unique opportunity that has shaped their work and mind ever since.

Their long awaited and self titled album, “Fontän” was ranked one of the top albums of 2017. Tunes like “Bardo” and “Greven” are still finding new listeners and sonic explorers every day.

The following year, in 2018 they performed their music with highly acclaimed Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, accompanied by a total of 90 musicians on stage. All conducted by the one and only Hans Ek. An inspiring break from all the sweaty dance floors, venues and festivals where they usually perform. After a few years spent of recording, contemplating and exploring new creative territories, the band has now filled their backpack with brand new material. Starting with the release of two 7” singles on Höga Nord Rekords, Fontän is now back, ready to leave their studio, get up on stage.. and explode.

Vi är otroligt peppade på denna kväll då Fontän nyligen släppt ifrån sig ny musik som kommer framföras för första gången på Nefertiti.

Utöver att vi kommer få uppleva ny musik från Fontän så har vi för denna kväll mycket intressanta inslag av visuell konst som kommer framföras som en del av deras liveset men också för resterande del av kvällen med djs som bjuder upp till dans.

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