Looptroop Rockers | Nefertiti

Looptroop Rockers

Den här konserten har redan varit

Datum: 23 sep
Pris: 350 kr
Insläpp: 18:00
På Scen: 19:00
Stänger: -
Typ: Stående
Åldersgräns: 20 år

Is it a reunion?

No, the almighty Looptroop Rockers never broke up and never will!

But – we did take a few years off from touring cus..  well, life happened.
This fall we’re getting back on planes, trains and buses to hit the stage.
Same OG crew, same OG energy!

Embee on the drums and twos – Promoe, Cosmic & Supreme on the mics.


Support: Shanti Banco från Fridlyst + hemlig gäst


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